What are the cons of feeding your dog raw meat?

There is a significant risk of contagion. Raw meat contains bacteria and parasites. It's easy to end a nutritional imbalance. Preparing food takes a long time.

You need tons of freezer space. Potential for bacterial and parasitic contamination Potential for nutritional imbalance The greatest concern of people with raw food feeding is the possibility of bacterial and parasitic contamination and infection, even in previously frozen meats. Raw meats can harbor bacteria such as Salmonella, Listeria and E. Coli, as well as microscopic parasites such as Sarcocystis and Toxoplasma.

These pathogens can cause serious infections in both people and pets. In addition, raw food diets are more expensive than commercially prepared kibble or canned food, can cause injury to teeth if they include bones and require more preparation time. Compared to cooked diets, raw diets are more likely to be contaminated with bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can make your dog seriously ill.

But even if your dog doesn't get sick, your puppy could shed bacteria in your home, which could then be picked up by another pet or human being. Yes, if I leave a cupcake or some fast food on the coffee table, one of the dogs will take advantage of it, but that doesn't mean that they have evolved to eat junk food. Dogs suffering from kidney or liver disease should not be given raw food, as they have high levels of proteins that make it difficult for dogs to digest. The advice published by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 3 suggests that more than half of commercially prepared raw food diets may contain harmful bacteria, such as salmonella and E.

Feeding your dog a safe and nutritionally balanced raw food diet can take a long time time and be expensive. The concern among veterinary professionals lies specifically in the safety of this type of diet, while some pet owners and enthusiasts argue that a raw diet is a healthier option for dogs. By comparison, most store-bought dog foods contain some combination of cooked meat, grains, fruits and vegetables. Some dogs cannot tolerate raw food or may not be recommended if they have any health problems.

If you are interested in the benefits of feeding a raw food diet, but want to avoid health risks, it is worth considering a commercially prepared raw recipe. Other foods that can be given to dogs on this diet are viscera (such as liver and kidneys), raw eggs and certain dairy products. Since they have to chew the raw diet well and it takes longer to eat it, your dog may be less inclined to chew other foods as often. Then came the prey food model that has fewer vegetables and fruits compared to other food models; after these models, kibble was introduced as a raw dog food option.

People's greatest concern regarding raw food feeding is the possibility of bacterial and parasitic contamination and infection, even in previously frozen meats. There is also a risk of feeding your dog raw animal products, as they may present a risk to bacteria such as Salmonella or E. A professor of nutrition at Tufts University's Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Freeman, says that many of the benefits attributed to a raw food diet for dogs, such as a shinier coat, are instead the result of the high-fat composition of the typical raw diet. If you feed your pet raw pet food, the FDA recommends that you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after handling the pet food or touching anything that touched the raw pet food, and disinfect those surfaces.


Lance Bujarski
Lance Bujarski

Devoted coffee ninja. General communicator. Total travel aficionado. Passionate zombieaholic. Friendly zombie fanatic. Friendly zombie geek.