Why feed raw dog food?

Feeding raw allows you to regain control of your dog's nutrition by eliminating mysterious ingredients and synthetic additives and replacing them with highly digestible nutrients from fresh, real food. Better nutrition leads to better skin and coat, healthier joints, better digestion and better weight control. Commercial pet foods often contain grains, peas, corn, and other ingredients that are not a natural part of a dog's diet. These ingredients are more difficult for your pet to break down, resulting in more waste (also known as poop).

A raw food diet contains meat, organs and bones, all the things a dog should digest. The ingredients in raw pet food can be easily broken down and used as fuel, meaning less becomes waste. The stool also becomes firmer, and after a few days, it becomes calcareous and breaks down faster.

Raw diets for dog food


However, the popularity of diets, which emphasize raw meat, bones, fruits and vegetables, is increasing. Since Billinghurst's book, Give Your Dog a Bone, several other types of raw food diets for dogs have emerged, including commercially processed raw food diets that are frozen or freeze-dried and combination diets that use blends of grains, vegetables and vitamins that are mixed with raw meat. purchased by the owner at the grocery store. The cost of a raw food diet for dogs varies depending on the ingredients used and the way it is prepared.

Supporters of raw dog food diets are quick to point out that commercially processed pet food may contain harmful bacteria, as can raw meat offered for human consumption. Even veterinarians like Knueven, who support raw food diets for dogs, say that they are not suitable for all dogs. Because diets are usually high in protein, they are not suitable for dogs with severe delayed renal or hepatic impairment. Raw food supporters claim they offer numerous benefits to dogs, including more energy and healthier teeth, skin and coat.

Torres says there isn't much evidence demonstrating the benefits of feeding pets raw food, but there is evidence of health risks, such as exposure to pathogenic bacteria. Dry foods or kibble have ingredients that vary by brand, but they must all be balanced and meet the nutritional needs of a dog. 11-year-old dogs seem more energetic, and one with chronic digestive problems tolerates the raw diet better. The high sugar content in commercially produced pet food creates the ideal environment for dangerous bacteria to grow, causing a number of dental problems in dogs.

Freeman, professor of nutrition at Tufts University's Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, says many of the benefits attributed to a raw food diet for dogs, such as a shinier coat, are the result of the high-fat composition of the typical raw diet. Studies conducted by the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine have found that raw pet food was more likely to contain disease-causing bacteria than other types of pet food that were tested. Raw dog food poses public health threat by spreading antibiotic-resistant bacteria, say researchers. With homemade raw food diets, you can control which ingredient is included and the quality of those ingredients.

If you feed your pet raw pet food, the FDA recommends that you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after handling the pet food or touching anything that touched the raw pet food, and that you disinfect those surfaces. Iron Will Raw pet food is only made with biologically appropriate ingredients and non-glycemic green vegetables, which naturally helps your dog maintain their ideal body weight. Others feed their pets a raw food diet because it makes sense that if they feed themselves and their family a healthy and balanced diet, then it makes sense to feed their pets the same way. Some people want their dog's food to look more like what their wild ancestors would have eaten (the idea of a biologically appropriate raw food).

Raw food has a higher moisture content than commercially prepared pet food, resulting in true natural hydration for your pet. If you are determined to feed your pet raw food, be very careful about the cleanliness of the environment and what the food has been in contact with, Torres says. If you really want the benefit of grain-free food, consider the raw option, because what you really want is a low starch content and raw (and freeze-dried raw) foods are one-sixth of the starch content of kibble. .


Lance Bujarski
Lance Bujarski

Devoted coffee ninja. General communicator. Total travel aficionado. Passionate zombieaholic. Friendly zombie fanatic. Friendly zombie geek.