Why raw dog food is best?

A raw diet usually includes viscera, muscle meat, whole or ground bones, raw eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables suitable for dogs, and a dairy product such as yogurt. Raw food supporters claim they offer numerous benefits to dogs, including more energy and healthier teeth, skin and coat. Torres says there isn't much evidence demonstrating the benefits of feeding pets raw food, but there is evidence of health risks, such as exposure to pathogenic bacteria. Feeding your dog a “Barf” diet (meaning “bones and raw food” or “biologically appropriate raw food”) has become popular in the United States in recent years, and now many UK pet owners are considering it as well.

Dog owners who support a raw diet claim that it promotes a brighter coat and healthier skin, better energy levels and fewer digestive problems. Raw food enthusiasts claim that the diet has given their pets more energy and healthier skin and coat. Bones from a raw food diet may be good for your dog's dental health. And the meat is denser in nutrients, which makes the stool smaller.

Raw food has a higher moisture content than commercially prepared pet food, resulting in true natural hydration for your pet. As dogs that follow a raw diet hydrate through food, they tend to drink less water compared to their peers fed kibble. Freeze-dried dog food and food covers are a practical and stable way to include raw food in your dog's diet. It is also an affordable alternative to pay the price of a full menu of frozen raw foods.

Steve's Real Food raw nuggets are freeze-dried to preserve freshness and nutrients without sacrificing convenience. FDA issued suggestions in 2004 to make raw pet food safer, citing concerns that owners may suffer health hazards from meat handling. Ingredients in raw pet food can be easily broken down and used as fuel, meaning less of it becomes waste. The decision to feed your pet on a raw food diet should be made after carefully considering each of these points and talking to your veterinarian, and ideally, with a veterinary nutritionist.

Other research in different countries has suggested that there is very likely to be dog and cat meat in pet food. Ian Billinghurst is credited with pushing the modern raw diet movement after creating the first biologically appropriate raw food (BARF) diet for dogs. Cage-free chicken is the number one ingredient in this protein-rich dog food that contains high-quality kibble and freeze-dried raw food nuggets the size of a bite. BARF stands for “Biologically Appropriate Raw Food” or “Bones and Raw Food”, a concept in which the company pioneered.

Another concern with the raw food diet for dogs is the risk of foodborne diseases and bacterial contamination by germs such as Salmonella and E. Iron Will Raw pet food is only made with biologically appropriate ingredients and non-glycemic green vegetables, which naturally helps your dog maintain their ideal body weight. Although some dogs can safely ingest a small amount of salmonella, pets that eat raw food are likely to kill more pathogenic (“bad”) bacteria in their feces. Since Billinghurst's book, Give Your Dog a Bone, several other types of raw food diets for dogs have emerged, including commercially processed raw food diets that are frozen or freeze-dried and combination diets that use blends of grains, vegetables and vitamins that are mixed with raw meat.

purchased by the owner at the grocery store. If feeding your dog kibble makes more sense to make sure his nutritional needs are met, that doesn't mean you can't give him other foods as occasional treats. .

Lance Bujarski
Lance Bujarski

Devoted coffee ninja. General communicator. Total travel aficionado. Passionate zombieaholic. Friendly zombie fanatic. Friendly zombie geek.